They are piles made to carry the building load to the solid ground on soils with low bearing capacity. These piles are drilling piles and their methods depend on the condition of the field, soil structure, diameter and depth of the pile.
The hole diameter of Bored Pile can be between 50 cm and 250 cm.
• Service Crane
• Crane for Drilling
• Kelly
• Rotary
• Drills
• Vibro
• Bentonite Tank
• Circulation Pumps
• Compressor
• Tremie Pipe
Drilling Method
The drilling of reinforced concrete piles with the diameter determined in the project will be done with rotary drilling machines mounted on crawler cranes or hydraulic drilling machines.
Wells will be piped or drilled with bentonite on soils with high water levels. Drilling will be done with a short front pipe on non-destructive floors. Appropriate attachments will be used to pass the hard layers that may be encountered during drilling. Drilling will continue with the above methods until the project depth is reached.

Preparation and Lowering of the Reinforcement Cage into the Wells
• The irons will be turned into cages by using the necessary templates in the area close to the pile locations. Necessary rigidity will be provided to prevent disintegration during lifting.
• Attaching the cages will be done with tie wire, welding or clamps if they are too heavy.
• The prepared reinforcement cage will be lowered into the wells where the service crane will be used.
• The reinforcement cage will be suspended from the top to prevent it from sinking during concreting.
• After the reinforcement cage is lowered into the wells, the tremie pipe will be lowered into it with a service crane.
• The segregation of the concrete to be made with the concreting tremie pipe will be prevented.
• Tremie concrete requires high slump (minimum 15 cm) and late setting (minimum 3 hours).
• Before concreting starts, the tremie pipe will be pulled up 30-40 cm from the base.
• The tremie pipe will remain in the concrete for at least 2 m continuously to prevent the mixing of groundwater with the concrete.
• Concreting will continue until clean concrete comes from the well mouth.
Quality control
The size of the well will be measured with kelly length during drilling and with a tape measure with a weight attached to its end after drilling.
• 4 samples will be taken from each 100 m3 concrete and the results of 7-28 days of crushing will be reported.
• Pile loading test will be done when requested.
• PIT (continuity test) will be done when requested.
A Registry Receipt is prepared for each pile. On these plugs:
• Pile number, location and date,
• Pile top and bottom elevation,
• Pile diameter and drill length,
• Drilling start and end time,
• Amount of concrete used and numbers if samples were taken,
• The length of the casing pipe must be found.