This construction method includes rehabilitating the ground with a Jet Grout Column.
The Machinery-Equipment summarized below will be used in the construction of the work.
Drilling Machine
It will be done with a CASAGRANDE C6/C8 or equivalent machine with a diameter of 4" or φ90 mm, which can go down to the depth shown in the project and can perform rotary drilling.
Jet Grout Equipment
Injection equipment will consist of high pressure hydraulic pumps with a capacity of 400-700 Bar and high turbulence injection units.
Secondary Machines
Other equipment to be used in addition to the machines mentioned in 2.1 and 2.2 above, respectively:
Water pump
Silo vs.
Columns with a diameter of ..... cm seen in the project will be manufactured at the points shown in the project.
Drilling Method
As stated above, the drilling will be done rotary with the help of water and with a diameter of φ90 mm. Drilling will be carried out in one step and up to the specified depth.
. The area where the jet grout will be produced will be leveled and a smooth working platform will be created on which the machine will walk.
. The points where the jet grout manufacturing axes will be applied on the working platform will be precisely marked.
. Jet grout pre-drilling will be made up to the depths shown in the project with the help of an average 4" or 90 mm diameter drilling tool and water jet (See Appendix).